According to health professionals, on average 85% of victims fall back into relationships of violence and harassment.
In order to end these loops, it is necessary for them to rebuild themselves and understand what caused them to submit or not be able to protect themselves.
Faced with this observation, we have created practical tools, easy to use and accessible to everyone, everywhere.
Mobile applications to support victims
Mobile apps

For cell phones & tablets.
A comprehensive transformative program to help victims
to rebuild themselves and develop their social skills.
Complete victim support programs, accessible from home, discreetly and at my own pace.
Inspiring content created by a victim who has managed to rebuild herself and who transmits her reconstruction journey, the practices she has integrated, her understandings, all of this in a positive way, with expertise, responsibility, sensitivity, empathy and creativity, in collaboration with health professionals, negotiation, support and education.
Based on a proven methodology created with doctors, psychologists and therapists, by an expert in conflict management and complex negotiations.

For children victims of school bullying, from 7 to 15 years old
A complete transformative program with children's section and parents' section.
A GAME to develop social skills and learn how to respond to harassment situations.
More than 20 hours of videos, audios, information concerning existing therapies to rebuild oneself.
In partnership with

With the participation of psychiatrist Philippe Aïm, creator of
"Idiot's Game"

A game to train victims to neutralize verbal harassment, as well as small shoves or repetitive bickering:
- insults, comparisons, intimidation, coercion, etc.
- mockery, nicknames, bad jokes, labels and stereotypes, etc.
- threats, revenge, physical violence not intended to cause injury, etc.
- rumors
- theft, racketeering
- cyberbullying